
Did you know you or your company can sponsor a production at the Acrosstown? For as little as $100, you can make an impact.

Become a Performance sponsor! $100

Your $100 can potentially costume an entire show. It can pay for the licensing fees for a single night of theatre. It can keep the lights on in the theatre for an entire month. These small gifts can add up quickly and are the lifeblood of our organization.

Benefits at this level include:

  • Tax receipt

  • Recognition as a sponsor in all programs through the year (business or name only)

  • Recognition and link on the ART website

  • Thanks in social media around the production of choice

Become a Production sponsor! $500+

Five Hundred Dollars can fund the production budget for an entire show (set, props, costumes, everything). It can also upgrade a piece of our lighting and sound equipment. This is a huge value over the Performance Sponsorship level, as each production has typically 9-15 performances. For five hundred dollars or more, you can be highlighted for the entire run of a show.

Pick the show that best fits your aesthetic and become a sponsor!

Benefits at this level include:

  • Tax receipt

  • Half page ad inside show programs for the selected production

  • Recognition as a production sponsor in all programs through the year

  • Inclusion in the preshow announcements for the production

  • Regular thanks in social media around the production

  • Two complimentary tickets to the production

Become a Season sponsor! $1,000+

The sponsor who funds this level is a unique business or corporation who shares our passion for bringing the arts and arts education to our community. One thousand dollars can help cover the licensing fees for a musical, which can be very pricey. It could also help us replace lighting and sound equipment.

A Season Sponsor’s support enables us to:

  • Offer Gainesville residents affordable theatre in their community

  • Enhance the production value of  our shows

  • Deepen the impact of our Education and Outreach programs for artists of all ages.

Benefits at this level include:

  • Tax receipt 

  • Full page ad inside ALL show programs for the season

  • Name and logo displayed as a season sponsor in our theatre displays

  • Name and logo recognition on all printed season and show materials

  • Recognition as the season sponsor in all programs

  • Mention in preshow announcements throughout the season

  • Recognition and link on the ART website

  • Regular thanks in social media through the year

  • Two complimentary tickets to each of the regular season productions

Become a Season Leading sponsor! $5,000+

This is the highest level of sponsorship. In addition to the benefits of a season sponsor, this sponsorship can help us pay for two months of rent or completely cover the licensing fees for a musical!

The Season Leading Sponsor is featured in the inside front cover, inside back cover, or back cover of the program throughout the season.

Benefits at this level include:

  • Tax receipt 

  • Full page ad (Inside covers or back cover) in ALL show programs for the season

  • Name and logo displayed as a the leading season sponsor in our theatre displays

  • Name and logo recognition on all printed season and show materials

  • Mention in preshow announcements throughout the season

  • Recognition and link on the ART website

  • Regular thanks in social media through the year by the ART and community actors

  • Four complimentary tickets to each of the regular season productions

Interested in something more customized? So are we!

  • Buy a private performance and cast meet and greet for you and your 50 closest friends

  • Sponsor our pre-season gala

  • Sponsor our local playwright showcase

  • Donate the refreshments for a performance

  • Sponsor an opening night party

  • Sponsor a special event or educational opportunity